Mission completed : Publishing houses, Parents, Werktag and other donators delivered approx. 1001 books to the library! Thanks to all for your support!
Officially we stopped the initiative in May 2017 but of course you can continue to support the library with books and donations!
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»1001 books«
Additional books for our library – An initiative of the German International School and Werktag.org
The initiative for 1001 books support the German International School Doha. We came up with the idea in one of the last parent conference. Principal Mr Dillschneider stated at that conference that the school library has around 1000 books only. Our intention is to provide a more attractive selection of books to the children and to improve the procedure of ordering and transporting of books. We would be pleased to receive your support for the benefit of the children. We developed the following packages for donation and your support. In general you can support us in transporting books, donate used or new books or with a donation on the account of the German International School Doha.
(Autumn 2016)

Our packages are as follows:
- Be a Flight-Buddy Act as an companion for books by transporting them within your luggage. Let us know how much space you have available and we will send books to a address where you can pick them up. It should be somewhere in Germany and not the Bahamas for example. For your registration as a flight body please contact 1001@werktag.org.
- Used books If you have books at home which are not needed any longer and they are still in a good shape, please bring them directly to the school secretariat.
- Mitbringsel Mitbringsel is a very special German word and means something nice and small that you handover to someone you like. Most of the Mitbringsels are getting bought during holidays and get handed over to friends or relatives at home. Please use our list of books to choose:
> List of German books
> List of English books
- Pay for Weight If you are not interest to be a flight body your donation is welcome to pay the transport fees.
- Become a Godfather 0r a Godmother for books Below you find a list of books we think that they should be available in our library. Become a godfather for one or more books. Please let us know your choice and transfer the money to the account of the school.
> German books list
> English books list
Account of he German International School Doha
German School S.P.C.
IBQ International Bank of Qatar Q.S.C.
IBAN: QA48IBOQ 0000 0000 0001 5015 2500 1
Acount no.: 0001-501525-001
Swift Code: IBOQQAQA
We are looking forward for your support. We will keep you updated.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of further questions or recommendations to improve the initiative.
Email: 1001@werktag.org | Telefon +974 55 96 18 68